When you enter this command, the master switch uses this URL in case of a version mismatch. You can also use the boot auto-download-sw global configuration command to specify a URL to use to get an image for automatic software upgrades.

You can use the archive download-sw /allow-feature-upgrade privileged EXEC command to allow installation of an image with a different feature set, for example, upgrading from the universal image to the IP services feature set. You can replace the current image with the new one or keep the current image in flash memory after a download. For information about upgrading your switch by using a TFTP server or a web browser (HTTP), see the release notes. If you do not have access to a TFTP server, you can download a software image file directly to your PC or workstation by using a web browser (HTT P) and then by using Device Manager or Cisco Network Assistant to upgrade your switch. You can do wnload a switch image file from a TFTP, FTP, or RCP server to upgrade the switch software. You can archive (download and upload) software image files, which contain the system software, the Cisco IOS code, and the embedded Device Manager software.